"Writing is easy; I just open a vein and bleed." — Red Smith

This site is dedicated to writers the world over who write, not because it's their hobby, or the way that they while away an occasional afternoon, but because it's who they are.

Latest news about David Ross

David Ross is working to complete a BA in communications at Ashford University, which he is due to accomplish in August. He is looking ahead at perhaps going for a master's degree. He is very interested in a master's program being offered by another online university in Military History, something that has been a passion of his since he was a teenager (if not before!).
He will be appearing in a play at the end of the month entitled "All the Time in the World," which will be performed in the Maxine Theater in Valley Center, California. This is the world premiere for this original production.



David Ross, born Jan. 5, 1955, is the longtime editor of the Valley Roadrunner newspaper, a weekly community newspaper, in Valley Center, San Diego County, California.

Ross does most of the news stories for the weekly paper and writes the editorials. He has been at The Roadrunner for 24 years. He is also the author of two science fiction novels, The Eighth Rank and The Argus Gambit, both published by St. Martin’s Press.

Ross also writes for several casino and gaming magazines, including Global Gaming Business, Native American Casino, where he is an associate writer and Global Gaming Business Weekly, where he is a contributing editor.

In October of 2007 Ross became editor of and helped launch The Boulevard magazine, a lifestyle publication which serves the I-15 Corridor of Northern San Diego County.

Ross’s work history is included below:

 2007-present, editor, Boulevard Magazine
2006-present, Associate Editor, Global Gaming Business Weekly
2000-2003 Regional Editor, National Gaming Summary   
1995- present Editor, Valley Roadrunner
    January 1992-95 - Editor, Valley Roadrunner and North County Messenger newspapers, with a staff of two part-time reporters.
    March 1992-1995 - Publisher, North County Messenger
    1990-92- Senior Writer, North County Messenger, Valley Roadrunner. The owner of the Roadrunner sold the paper to a consortium of owners, who purchased a bimonthly paper, converting it into a weekly, covering the I-15 Corridor in San Diego County. As Senior Writer, duties were essentially the same as they had been for the Roadrunner. Was responsible for covering all the news in this expanded news area, for establishing the Messenger as a competitive force and strong editorial voice.
    1984-1990 - Assistant Editor, Valley Roadrunner. In addition to editing submissions from local writers, was also the only reporter on staff, besides the editor-publisher. Was responsible for all aspects of covering the local scene, including features and news.
    1984-87- Wrote a semi-regular series of play reviews for the North County Panorama section of the San Diego Union.
     March-November 1983- Managing Editor, Ramona News - Organized the creation of a competitive weekly newspaper with an aggressive coverage of community news. Put together the staff, established the look and editorial policy and wrote 50% of the copy.
    1973-83- Reporter and Photographer- Was a part-time contributor to the Ramona Sentinel, a weekly newspaper.   
    1973-75 Attended Palomar Community College. Was editor of the college newspaper, The Telescope.   
    1973- Graduated Ramona High School. Was editor of the school newspaper two years.

1997-2000 written several articles for ComputorEdge magazine, as well as several reviews of software products.
2007–First Place, non-daily humor, San Diego Press Club; First place, public service/consumer advocacy, San Diego Press Club.
2006- San Diego Society of Professional Journalists Herbert Lockwood “Woody” Award for humorous writing.
1998-San Diego Society of Professional Journalists First Place Award for news writing; Best of Show award for non-daily writing.
    1997- San Diego Society of Professional Journalists First Place Awards for Dramatic Criticism Writing and Spot News Writing for a weekly newspaper; San Diego Press Club First Place Award for newswriting, Second Place award for investigative reporting.
    1994- San Diego Society of Professional Journalists First Place Awards for Feature Writing and Arts Writing for a weekly newspaper.
    Edited the book ``Clinton Confidential'' by George Carpozzi, 1995, Emery Dalton Communications.
    1993- California Federation of Farm Bureaus Agriculture Reporter of the Year.
    1991- Award for Best Column, 1991, San Diego Press Club
    1991- Publication of second book, ``The Eighth Rank,'' by St. Martin's Press
    1989- Publication of first book, ``The Argus Gambit,'' by St. Martin's Press.

David D. Ross
P.O. Box 57
Palomar Mountain, CA 92060

Media Technologies

As part of my current communications "capstone" class, I was assigned to write about four different "media technologies." The technologies I chose to explore are:

• Social Media
• The iPhone and its various imitators
• Google, and its various services, including the ubiquitous search engine, but also life-enhancing services such as Google Voice and Google Docs.
• Casino slot machines

Social Media
• The iPhone and its various imitators
Google, and its various services

• Casino slot machines

Since my characterization of slot machines as a form of media is somewhat controversial, or perhaps original, I'm providing two articles on slot machine technology that I wrote within the last couple of years for casino magazines. For those interested these articles explain some of the technology that is being applied in the modern casino.


Here are the two articles:

New Technology in Slots

Slots Management


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About David Ross's books

A brief introduction to "The Argus Gambit"

Should he expose the secret society of scientists that was trying to destroy his world--or join them?

In this science fiction thriller set in the second half of the next century, very little is as it seems as a policeman investigates an assassination that cost him his job, and may have deprived humanity of its only hope of surviving a devastating famine.

America has become isolationist and anti-technological, facing inwards from its responsibilities as a great power, and from the challenges of the future. It seems that the only hope lies in the immensely talented scientist Dorian Nye, who has translated the cryptic Strubeck Equations, which can save the world from a South American grain blight that threatens the planet's survival. But Nye is killed, and the policeman charged with protecting him, Mel Hardrim, is held responsible for his death. But it isn't Nye's body lying in the morgue, and suddenly Hardrim has gone from being just an incompetent cop to a suspect in a kidnapping of international ramifications.

Hoping to salvage his career, Hardrim investigates the scientist's disappearance, but as he digs deeper and deeper, he is drawn into a maze of deception, murder, and political intrigue, which has as its center a shadowy group of scientists known only as the Argus Society. Nye may have belonged to this group, and they may have caused his disappearance. They may be plotting the destruction of civilization, or they may be Mankind's only hope of survival. With his life threatened at every turn, Hardrim's choice is to expose the Argus Society, or to join them.

"The Argus Gambit"
was first published by: St. Martin's Press.

Author's notes
: It took me 12 years to write my first novel, "The Argus Gambit," but in reality I wrote the novel several times before I got to the point where I was satisfied with it. I was such a perfectionist when it comes to my writing that it took the common advent of the personal computer for me to be able to finish what had come to be more a member of my family than a book. It also took me a long time to finish because, in the nature of an extremely immature writer, I wanted to throw in everything but the kitchen sink: every wonder, every political twist and turn, every societal evolution, every fad and fancy that ocurred to me. Writing this book was such fun for me that I never wanted it to end. Fortunately, on reflection, much of this additional material did not find its way into the finished book.

Not autobiographical in even the slightest degree, the novel does contain some characters who strongly resemble friends of my youth, as well as a character my friends claim physically resembles me. Many of the scenes and bits of dialogue I constructed as I spent long nights pushing a broom and running a cash register as a night clerk of a convenience story. Many's the customer who probably thought I was a little bit wacked out when they saw me muttering to myself, when actually I was polishing bits to submit to the typewriter the next day. It's amazing to me how the most mundane of jobs can give wing to the imagination if the writer is willing to let it do so.

Where the book is definitely me is in my insistence to populate it with passionate, romantic, larger-than-life characters who believe in the greatness of Man, that the greatest good of Man is creation and technological advancement and his greatest joy the expansion of human knowledge.

This philosphy has been stated far better than I by literary giants of the 20th century, such as Ayn Rand, but I borrow the overall title of the two-book series (the other book being "The Eighth Rank") from T. E. Lawrence, who in his "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" wrote "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." That sentiment is also at the bedrock of the philosophy of my protagonists.

"The Argus Gambit
might be called a philosophical novel, yet I hope that I have had enough fun with the plot that the reader will have fun with it, too, whether or not he or she cares for philosophy.

A brief introduction to
"The Eighth Rank"

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that if was vanity; bur the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." -T.E. Lawrence

Jason Scott, Sherlock Michlanski, and Jacob Kane were the most prized pupils of the Argus Society: three brilliant young men of extraordinary and diverse talents. Three prominent members of the secret international conspiracy of intelligentsia. Three people whose dreams were humanity's hope. Mankind's madness has threatened the entire world. President Jeffrey Shefferton, having seen no answers, has authorized the Sunside Project, Jason Scott's plan for feeding the world by utilizing the Strubeck equations. Only the equations are not what they seem to be nor is the Sunside Project. It is, in fact, a dream that only Kane, Michlanski, and Scott can make possible. In this thrilling, Panoramic vision of the future Davis Ross has brought to life the future first depicted in The Argus Gambit. Bold and adventuresome, The Eighth Rank is a dynamic science fiction novel of the highest rank.

Praise for David Ross's first novel
"The Argus Gambit"

"In The Argus Gambit, David Ross shows how the balance of military and political power can change and change. I enjoyed his vision of our world after a few more turns of the wheel, and look forward to later books in the series,"

-Vernor Vinge, Hugo Award winning author of Marooned in Realtime

"Ross's political struggles are convincing and dramatic…. Top marks for presentaton and effort." -Kirkus Reviews

"David Ross's The Argus Gambit, is that rare kind of novel that attempts to be both general philosophy and interesting fiction. With this book, Ross places himself in the Libertarian/Objectivist tradition. I'm neither, so I can't speak for his orthodoxy, but for the non-Libertarian, non-Objectivist, this book is more accessible-and a lot more fun-than Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead. He didn't convert me, but he certainly entertained me. Ross's world-building, characters, and plot are more credible than Rand's-where she gives us lecture, he gives us real blood-and-thunder action." -John Barnes, author of Mother of Storms

"Ambitious….it has everything from taps into the earth's core for energy to the search for FTL travel, from political conspiracies great and small to protagonists who play the sitar." -Locus